Woodcote Volunteers can drive people who qualify for our service to the following activities, provided we have capacity. Please contact us to book a driver.
All Areas
University of the Third Age (U3A) – Goring Gap branch
For an annual subscription of £10, (can be waived in cases of financial hardship) they offer numerous groups, run by members, as diverse as book groups, talks, crafts, coffee mornings, lunches and so on. To find out more log in to Goring Gap U3A web page: https://www.goringgapu3a.org.uk/
Move Together
A council run incentive scheme to help people get more active, whatever their health. https://www.activeoxfordshire.org/move-together
Activities in Woodcote
There are a wide variety of activities in Woodcote, for instance:
Chance to Chat
A small group meeting at Mowforth house weekly, on a Thursday between 2:30 and 4:00 pm to talk and some people bring crafts/knitting etc. along with them. Drinks, biscuits and room hire are included in the £1 per session cost. In order to find out more information, please contact Barbara Penniall, Telephone: 07768 072449 or Email: bpenniall@gmail.com
Woodcote Short Mat Bowls Club meet in Woodcote Village Hall for gentle exercise, twice a week in the winter only. It is ideal for all ages and disabilities. Only bowling shoes or flat, clean shoes required, but no other dress rules. So to find out more go to Woodcote Short Mat Bowls Club | Reading Services Guide
Woodcote Chatterbox
Run by Kate Hart of Age UK, it meets from 2pm – 3.30pm at the Community Centre on the fourth Tuesday afternoon every month (except August and December). She invites a speaker along every month and there is also the opportunity for people to chat over tea and cake. Cost £3.00. Just drop in.
Seated yoga
Armchair yoga run by Alex takes place in the Woodcote Village Hall on Wednesdays each week between 9:30am and 10:15. The class is friendly, welcoming and fun. Further information contact Alex on alexmersonpilates@gmail.com or phone 07788 248925. The cost is £7.50 for the 45-minute session.
Women’s Institute
In the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of each month, 2:30 – 5:00 pm.
Oratory School Sports Centre
A variety of activities, such as swimming, golf, gym etc. See their website for more information. https://www.oratory.co.uk/pupil-life/sport/sports-centre
Board Games afternoons
The second Tuesday of each month at Woodcote Library, 3.30 – 5pm. No charge. Games of all types, including cards, are provided or you can bring your own – and tea/coffee and biscuits are served. Just turn up and enjoy!
Bereavement Support Group
The first Wednesday morning of the month, held at Woodcote Community Centre. Romey Poston is co-ordinating. Call her on 07711 628026 or email on r.e.poston@btinternet.com
Woodcote Volunteers Tea Party
This is a client-only, friendly and social, free event, held once a month on the first Wednesday of each month. It is an opportunity to have a cup of tea, home-made cake and have a chat with other clients of Woodcote Volunteers. An activity or event is held each month, alongside the tea and cake. The venue is Woodcote Community Centre and time is 2.30 – 4pm. Contact the organiser Angela Jenkins for more information using the office phone number in the first instance – 01491 681171.
Books from Home scheme
Woodcote Library run a Books from Home scheme. If you are unable to get out but would like books delivered to you, please contact the library on 01491 682323. We can take you to the library to make the application.
Activities in nearby villages
There are also a large number of activities around Woodcote, for example:
Cholsey Day Centre
Cholsey Day Centre: A friendly environment to socialise and enjoy activities like games, golf, darts, craft, puzzles, quizzes, interactive table, bingo, singers and performers. Home cooked 2 course lunch plus Tea, Coffee and biscuits. This service is intended for over 50s, people with dementia and older people. Cost £15 per day. Woodcote Volunteers provide a transport service free of charge. Call the manager, Kathy Hutt on 01491 652970 for more information.
Goring Day Centre/Lunch Club
They are at the Community Centre on a Tuesday and Wednesday every week. They provide activities and lunch from about 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The cost is £9 per session, so to find out more and about vacancies for this popular activity, call the organiser Denise Sayers on 01491 683768 or 07747 782379.
Learning about Tech
Goring Library run a digital inclusion programme, aimed at helping people to get online, use computers, smart phones or tablets, use email, online safety and so on. It is free and both one to one and group sessions are available. To find out more, call the Library on 01491 873028.
Gallowstree Common
Walking Football
This takes place every Wednesday at 10:30 am at Bishopswood Sports Ground and costs £3.00 per session. For more details contact Ian at ian.massey28@gmail.com or Martin at sunshinetowers@hotmail.com. However, you can simply come along to Bishopswood Sports Ground, Horsepond Road, Gallowstree Common, Oxfordshire RG4 9BT
Whitchurch Hill
Community Coffee Morning
Tuesdays from 10:30 am – 12:00 noon every week at The Old Stables. Ring Susan Scearce on 0118 984 2004 for details.
Sonning Common
Scrabble Club
Sonning Common Library run a Scrabble Club on Fridays at 10am to 12 noon. Just turn up!
Please note: This information is up to date as far as we are aware, but please let us know if this is not the case or if there is anything we can add. Thank you.