Monthly Afternoon Tea Party
Our clients can at times feel quite isolated and don’t get out as often as they would like. To help address this, we now run a monthly afternoon session on the first Wednesday of the month, 2.30pm – 4.00pm in The Woodcote Community Centre.

If you are an existing client and would to attend then please get in touch.
We also need volunteers to help support these sessions, so if you could offer a lift for someone to attend, assist in the kitchen or offer time to sit with the clients for a good old natter and a cuppa, it all helps and benefits people greatly. Do get in touch.
Previous events
June coffee morning
Another successful fundraising coffee morning was had and we raised £230. This will help towards purchasing IT equipment for Woodcote Volunteers.
Many thanks to volunteers who baked cakes, those who offered their time to help out, donations for the raffle and to the local community for coming along to enjoy some yummy cake and help with fundraising.

40th Anniversary of Woodcote Volunteers

Woodcote Volunteers celebrated 40 years of service by hosting a cheese and wine reception on Friday 3rd February 2023. In attendance were volunteers, past and present, along with some service users and representatives from the local councils and other service providers.
Read more about this event by clicking here
Coffee Morning – We held a fundraising coffee morning in the Woodcote Community Centre (Lion’s Room) on 22nd October 2022. We raised a great total of £250 which was donated to the medical centre who will use this to purchase a handheld ECG machine, a valuable piece of equipment to quickly and easily detect arrhythmias.
Thank you for all of our wonderful volunteers for their help in running this event as well as making wonderful cakes. And a big thank you to all that came along to purchase refreshments and raffle tickets.

Woodcote Village Fete – 10th September 12 noon – 4.30pm. We had a stall at this event, and many people dropped by to say hello and found out more about what we do and how to volunteer.

Summer Social – Our summer social was held on 8th June 2022. It was a great success and we hope to hold another next year